Monday, July 13, 2009

Field Day 2009

Field Day at the Glide High School turned out to be an overwhelming success. Jerry KB7WDR did a great job with the publicity. KPIC came out to the site as well as Sheriff John Hanlin who stayed for quite some time. We had a great Potluck on Saturday evening with well over 45 people attending. Jerry KB7WDR ran the GOTA station again on 40 meters and had about 4 people who seemed to want to become amateurs ask him how to get their license. Martin KD7QZA operated the 20 Meter station. Mike WB6RHW operated Winlink 2000 (2 Meter Packet) and send out a few emails from the Field Day site. Wayne W9AE made quite a few contacts on 6 Meters SSB and CW. George KE7MVX operated the 2 Meter FM station and even made a few contacts on Echolink. Myself WA6KHG with lots of help from Doris KC6CWP, Chris KE7GMU and George KE7MVX operated on 80 & 15 Meters and made quite a few contacts on both bands. As for the 10 meter band, I never checked, but seeing as how both 15 Meters and 6 Meters were open I’m fairly sure it would have worked had we had someone with a station on that band.

Thanks to all who helped, participated, or just stopped by the Field Day this year. For those who couldn’t make it, you missed a great time.

George Roth's, KE7MVX, trailer and two antennas. He ran 2-meters, Echolink and Packet. The antennas are Diamond 50 and 510. The picture is provided by George.